About Thai Massage

Thai massage is a very thorough and comprehensive massage modality. It allows the client to relax on a well-cushioned floor mat, fully-clothed with comfortable pants and shirt. The session begins by first warming and relaxing the body with grounding energy technique. Then a series of lengthening and elongating assisted postures are used to encourage greater movement and significantly increase flexibility. Thai massage has been described as ‘having yoga done to you.’ Because of the passivity of the recipient, Thai massage has sometimes been termed ‘lazyman’s yoga’ — but it is really much more.

Thai Massage is wholistic Bodywork. It is a personalized silent education, re-introducing the body to healthy unrestricted movement, the way our bodies are designed to move. Thai massage brings awareness to imbalances in the body as balance is being restored. Thai massage is a very nurturing kind of bodywork, and traditional Thai massage is practiced with the intention of assisting the body’s healing process in the spirit of ‘loving kindness’

Thai massage is a wonderful alternative and complement to traditional massage. During a typical session, kneading, broad pressure, specific-point-pressure and percussive-tapping are applied. As your treated muscles become warmed and relaxed, your body feels prepared to move further than initially anticipated. The transitions of yoga-like postures are very fluid which allows the level of relaxation to increase and enables you to experience the release of stress and tension throughout your body.
A full session at Living Wellness includes suggestions on Thai-yoga postures to do at home and self treatment for your body, necessary for the prevention of recurring patterns of tension and/or associated pain.
To schedule an appointment or discuss options for Therapies and/or Spa Services contact us at